Trusted Data Exchange
Secure IoT
InterliNQ is nquiringmind’s secure middleware for IOT devices
Edge Processing
Process and analyse data close to the sensor to tackle bandwidth transmission concerns

AI Analytics
Advanced analytics solutions to produce real world performance
Privacy Centric
Distributed p2p model allows entities to share and manage data efficiently and securely
Underpinning nquiringminds' offerings is the Trusted Data Exchange (TDX), a next generation database built with IoT and analytics in mind. Designed on a distributed peer to peer model it allows organisations and individuals to share and manage data efficiently and securely. The TDX is designed to interact with a broad range of data types and is equally adept at handling IoT data streams, super large open data sets, and confidential enterprise data sets. Going beyond the traditional functions of a database, the TDX not only allows you to share raw data, but also allows the implementation of algorithmic data processes and data visualisations within the same shared platform.
Without interoperability at the data level, we are unable to grow the data ecosystem, and run the risk of getting locked into proprietary technologies. The TDX supports multiple, standardised interfaces. Our native data store uses a formal interoperable data scheme, that presents underlying JSON data via a strict, Mongoose-like data schema. This can then be mapped to multiple other schemas including: HyperCat, CSV, Linked Data.
We are carefully following PAS 182 and other standards from the SmartCity community to ensure compatibility with future standards. Our solutions are built on the openly published specification and code base from the webinos Open Source Foundation (over 30 collaborating organisations) and we are an active contributor to W3C activities in the IOT and security space.

The TDX data security model has been 6 years in production with a development team comprising cybersecurity experts from the mobile industry and academia. Based on the strong foundations of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), users, databases, data streams and physical client machines are all given strong identities that can be “attested” to in a peer to peer manner. In practice this means complex, multi organisational, interactive solutions can be rolled out with minimal overhead. All activities are securely logged, and all permissions manageable at a fine grained level.
Underpinning our security model is the principle of minimal disclosure. The result of this is that when parties (individuals or organisations) agree to share data, the amount of data they share will always be reduced to the absolute bare minimum required to deliver the function that the sharing was intended for. This means that data liability is reduced, privacy is protected, and at all times the “data sharer” has absolute control of their data exposure: including the ability to turn it off at any time. The TDX contains all the necessary functions to precisely manage this data flow.
Analytics, AI and Machine Learning
nquringminds employ many experts in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science. The TDX has been designed to be a platform for delivering these data analytic functions in real world operational environments. The TDX is not an “experimental platform” for data scientists to play and explore, it is an operational platform for deploying advanced analytics at scale.
Our intention is to ensure that the results of advanced analytics solutions can be put directly in the hands of the people that need and benefits from the solution. Pre-built into the platform we already include: neural networks, linear correlation, clustering algorithms, geometric optimisation algorithms, combinatorial processes, and optimised state space searches. These can be easily extended either natively in the TDX or through third party plugins.

Web Based Visualisation
The TDX supports a web based component model for visualising data real time from the database. These web components allow visualisations to be quickly designed and deployed. Integrating visualisations into pre existing websites is straighforward, speeding up and simplifying deployment. The sharing and security primitives of the TDX can be applied to individual visualisations or groups of visualisations, providing highly flexible but controlled sharing options.
The Trusted Data Exchange includes its own web based visualisation tools, but we recognise that many customers have their own preferred tools for data visualisation. Exporters and plugins can easily be created to bind existing tools to the TDX framework with integrations already existing for popular tools such as:Tableau, QGIS and Excel.