Cyber Savvy Business of the Year

Dr Nick Allott, CEO of nquiringminds said in recognition of the award: “As a growing tech company focused on the three pillars of smart cities, internet of things and underpinning both cyber security, life can be particularly challenging. The challenge of security is that although everyone is talking about it, it usually takes events of a catastrophic nature before people start putting their hands in their pockets to pay for it. And when they do eventually put their hands in their pockets, despite the fact that small companies often have the best technology, it’s the Big Boys that are usually the winners – the safe option. In that context, awards such as these, publicly recognising and validating expertise in Cyber Security are invaluable.”
nquiringminds has been building security into its technology since it was established in 2010. NQM have three products where Cybersecurity is critical
- Cloud Security: the (TDX) Trusted Data Exchange is a Next Generation Data Platform that creates a central view of data and its derived intelligence from multiple sources. It is designed to help different organisations share data securely between each other, using real time data.
- IOT Security: (InterliNQ) plugging the security gap for internet of things. Using advanced power efficient and processor efficient cryptography. Ensures that sensor devices can protect their data from attack and empower users to take control over their own data streams
- Enterprise security (CyberStone) – building on the InterlINQ secure technologies nquiringminds have created a new type of network dongle, that secured enterprise data while offline, and helps enterprises let employees use their own laptops phones and personal devices in a work capacity with confidence .
Link to award: