by nqminds | Feb 20, 2017 | News
nquiringminds are exhibiting at Mobile World Congress 2017. Our key products will be available for demonstration Trusted Data Exchange (TDX): a super scalable AI-powered analytics and data sharing platform InterliNQ – as secure IOT platform for developing IOT...
by nqminds | Jan 26, 2017 | News, press
nquiringminds led the first consultative workshop in the CareTeam project – an ICT innovation in the provision of elder adult domiciliary care. CareTeam is a collaboration between Southampton City Council, University of Southampton and nquiringminds. The workshop was...
by nqminds | Jan 19, 2017 | News, press
Southampton Science Park have covered nquiringminds recent trip to India on a trade mission with the Prime Minister, Theresa May. Read the full article here.
by nqminds | Dec 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
Suspendisse potenti. Aenean et metus fringilla, pharetra diam vel, posuere diam. Nullam ante dui, lacinia at viverra sit amet, malesuada at sem. Aenean pulvinar magna non orci commodo congue. Praesent rhoncus efficitur risus, sit amet pellentesque mi tempor eget. Ut...
by nqminds | Dec 14, 2016 | News, press
nquiringminds have been featured in an article on Natwest’s Content Live on Smart Farming in UK Agriculture.