by nqminds | Jul 28, 2014 | News
NquiringMinds is launching the online demonstrator of its Open City Data Platform. The Open City Data Platform (OCDP) is a management platform, from which the essential data and processes within a smart city can be controlled, using easy to use web based...
by nqminds | Jul 27, 2014 | News
NquiringMinds was selected in November 2013 with 5 other SME companies to produce a study to assess the feasbility of producing an Open system to inteconnect disparate data sets within a Smart City environment. The Open City Data Platform (OCDP) is designed to be a...
by nqminds | Feb 20, 2014 | News
At this years CeBIT, NquiringMinds Ltd will formally launch their new Enterprise Mobility Product UbiApps. UbiApps is unique in the market in that it combines the features typically associated with Enterprise Workflow Platforms, with Asset Tracking System...