The Problem
The Nquiringminds’ Open City Data Platform (OCDP) is a secure data integration and visualisation tool that allows users to construct their own dashboards, using static and real time, Internet of Things data and then at the click (or two) of the button deploy them to their website. Running a large fleet of mobile assets, with the usp of being eco friendly requires the analysis of lots of data, both geo locational data in real time, historical sensor data and operational data integration to ensure optimal efficiencies of assets and work flows. A London based eco taxi company required help with managing and reporting these complex data flows
IOT Sensors
- GPS trace from ODB2 GSM module
- ODB2 sensor reading
- Nissan Leaf data feeds
- Nquire Toolbox
This solution was developed for an Eco London Taxi fleet of cars. The data feeds takes in both the GPS trace and ODB2 data via small inexpensive trackers that can be fitted to any card. We also have a specific implementation for Nissan Leafs which provides an even more comprehensive data feed. The data is fed from the cars into the central TDX database. The security qualities of the Trusted Data Exchange mean a driver can opt-in and out of the system as they like, critically taking their data and data feed with them. Using the Nquire Toolbox a complete fleet command control system has been built that allows cars to be viewed and monitored.
Key issues for the Eco Fleet management are keeping a close control of business costs. Accurately running the business to ensure efficiencies in pick ups and drop offs, maintenance costs, analysis of individual driver behaviour have been achieved. Monitoring of individual cars creates an awareness amongst drivers of the need to look after their cars helping to avoid costs. Reducing the carbon footprint of the business was a key driver so planning and forecasting based on sensor data helps to ensure that the closest driver is used for each trip